Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pinterest: A Fun and Neat Place to Share and Organize Ideas for your Life!

Pinterest is a place where you can gather and organize ideas and products. To join, you will need to request an invite and then after you have been accepted you will fill out your account information.  After adding the pin it button to your toolbar you are ready to start organizing ideas.  When you find something on a website that you love, click the pin it button and select the picture and board you would like it to be added to. Simple and easy! 

The best part is not only will you have the picture to reference back to, but every photo is linked back to its original place. If you want to know how to make one of the projects on your “Things to Make” board you would just click the picture and it would take you to the how-to place.

I’m really glad that I started pinning. I have seen new products, inspirations and do-it-yourself craft projects. People are welcome to follow my boards and you have the choice to allow followers or keep your boards private.

Here is a list of some popular boards people have created:

Seasonal (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)
Things to Make
Places to Go
Preschool Ideas
Home Decorating Styles (Mid-Century Modern, Retro Kish…)

Hope you enjoying pinning! It can be quite addicting.

Follow Me on Pinterest

It is my hope, that everyday you experience joy!
Adding color & joy to your life...

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