Friday, June 29, 2012

Paris Hilton Punches Out Pap

Paris Hilton Punches Out Pap
Paris Hilton Punches Out Pap
Paris Hilton is back in the headlines…and for all the wrong reasons. The heiress was recently caught on camera attacking a photographer while reportedly under the influence of drugs.

Early Wednesday morning, celebrity photographer Billy Barrera was in the parking lot of the West Hollywood nightclub Bootsy Bellows when he bumped into the scandal-prone socialite. After spying his camera, Paris launched into an attack on the pap.
Billy told
“It was 3:30 in the morning, the party was over and I was just walking through the parking lot to go to the bathroom when I see Paris, so I turned on my camera. I wasn’t expecting to get jumped! I’ve shot Paris a lot and am always nice to her.”
Billy blames the heiress’ actions on intoxication:
“Paris was acting like she was on drugs. I know drugs, I’ve seen a lot of people on them and Paris is one of them…She attacked me for no reason, like you can see on the video, but what you don’t see is that she was hanging off my neck like a piggyback ride as I walked up to the next garage level.”
A former investigative journalist, Billy furthered explained:
“Her friends all started attacking me and no one could see us until we got up to that next level, and that’s when I yelled for help and the other paps came running and shot some video.”

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